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Nicman Vault SSO is ideal for sites that already have an authentication model in place using a browser/login session and that want to incorporate the Vault Management Console into their web portal application.

The idea is that a portal application calculates an one-way hash (also known as a signature) based on Nicman Vault user identification, timestamp and the shared key. Then the user’s browser accesses ssosecurelogin.htm with the signature. The CMC checks for this signature to determine whether a user is authenticated or not. If the signature is found valid, access to the CMC from the client will skip the login page and take the user directly to a CMC interior page such as the Data Explorer page.



To use the Nicman Vault SSO feature, in the CMC’s configuration file the following properties must be set to "true":

  • sso.enabled

    • This is set to false by default. Change it to true if you want to use SSO.

  • common.csv: cmc_web_secure

    • This is set to true by default. Leave it true if you want to use SSO.

Also in, if you enable SSO functionality (by setting sso.enabled to true), then for security reasons you should set sso.shared.key and sso.cookie.cipher.key to custom values. Do not use the default keys.

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